Can You Improve Your Sleep In 21 Days?

In our fast-paced world where our need to focus and pay attention becomes more challenging by the day, getting enough quality rest is so vital. Science from the Sleep Foundation shows that people who don't get enough sleep tend to have more trouble remembering things, making good choices consistently, feeling energized, and maintaining a stable mood.

But does changing your sleep habit have to take months? The answer, fortunately, is no. Here's how you can improve your sleep in just twenty one days.

Can You Improve Your Sleep In 21 Days?

Yes, 21 days (roughly 3 weeks) is enough time for you to improve your sleep—even if you've been struggling for months or years with the same low-quality sleep problem.

In fact, science shows that 21 days is often mentioned by psychologists as the number of days one needs to continue to do something to form a new habit. For some people, the number could be 28 days or slightly longer. But three weeks is enough time to form the foundation of a new sleep habit that'll lay the groundwork. 

You'll feel so much better with all that quality rest  that you might decide it's a new part of your lifestyle before your brain even considers it a habit!

Improve Your Sleep By Taking Inventory

To improve your sleep fast, audit your current sleeping habits and look for areas you can upgrade or improve.

Take a notebook and write down characteristics and action steps of your current pre-bed routine. Here are some questions to help you get started:

  • What do you do right before bed?
  • How do you approach sleep when you get in bed?
  • What's your sleep environment like?
  • What materials on your bed are you sleeping with?

Not for nothing, you might also simply ask: what is the problem here that's preventing me from sleeping? If you know the answer, this is probably a good place to start.

Improve Your Sleep By Adopting Healthy Sleep Habits

As we all know, action is what leads to change. Use these healthy sleep habits to revolutionize your sleep routine over the next 21 days. 

1. Follow the Science

Don't feel like you have to reinvent the wheel. Millions of dollars are spent each year to determine scientific guidelines for getting great sleep. 

Science is pretty clear that people sleep better when:

  • The room is dark and free of artificial lights.
  • The room is cool (between 65 and 72 degrees fahrenheit)
  • The room is quiet, or a white noise machine is used to drown out the noise.
  • You go to sleep roughly around the same time each night.
  • You rise around the same time each morning.
  • You sleep in an optimal position that keeps your spine in alignment.

Consider what the science says and add as many (or all) of these suggestions to your new sleep routine for the next three weeks. This might mean upgrading your sleep equipment, such as mattresses or pillows, adding a fan or white noise machine to the room, or sticking to a new bedtime and rise time.

2. Lay off Afternoon Caffeine

In our fast-paced world, a second cup of coffee (or third) in the afternoon is the norm for many of us. If your sleep feels compromised, though, it's a good idea to limit caffeine intake 8 or more hours before bed. Caffeine has a half-life of about 8 hours for most people, meaning that half of its potency is still in effect at that time.

3. Look Into Natural Herbal Supplements that Promote Sleep

You don't need a prescription from a doctor to use supplements that improve rest quality. Several herbs and natural supplements have been shown to boost sleep. Consider adding any of the following to your nighttime routine:

  • Valerian root
  • Lavender
  • Chamomile
  • Melatonin
  • Basil

Our Deep Sleep formula is specifically calculated to help you get more rest. It could be used as a great tool for revolutionizing your sleep habit for the first 21 days, or as part of your nightly get-to-bed routine.

Three weeks is plenty of time to form a better sleep habit and upgrade your sleep if you just stick to your new routine. Assess, set goals and think about how good you feel when you're rested—you'll be well on your way to making it a habit.

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